Amatőr hokisoknak

Ha érdekel a jégkorong, ha most ismerkedsz a sportággal, ha már egy ideje játszotok, ha új trükkökre vágyódsz, ha új csapattagokra vadászol vagy ha csak ellenfél után nézel, akkor jó helyen jársz.

A blog a legtöbból ellenkezően az ittnei bejegyzések FORDÍTOTT SORRENDBEN épülnek fel, azaz a legfrissebb bejegyzést a sor legvégén találjátok!!! Ebből következik, hogy a bejegyzések dátumozása nem a válósságot tükrözi.


On track

2011.09.26. 10:24 :: ta_blogok


After the first few weeks of introduction and getting to know the surroundings, the life at School has become a bit more normal and on track. Now we follow a fixed timetable that more or less repeats itself and one can prepare from lesson to lesson.


Mostly the study is based on our own abilities and projects. We all have homework, that we have to do from each lesson, but these are mostly tasks that have to be fitted to our personal plans. So there are no right or wrong answers or outcomes, but different situations and ways to deal with them.


The core of our study is our Project-Workshop which covers a sport-based task each of us has to do. I have done two projects so far and now moving to a bigger one, on the Hydra implementation to Singaporean Ice-hockey. I will have a meeting on this - and other things - with Jukka Tiikkaja, the former head of the IIHF for Asia and currently the head of our study program. Really exited on that, for he can tell a few things on the Asia-hockey on the way se sees it.


We are a lot outside and have a lesson of Athletics and two lessons of Golf each week. Not that I would be a player of any kind, but gratefully at least I can see improvement in my golf-game. Haven't reached par at any hole yet, but been close on some.... but mostly quite far from it.


The other major group is the psychological approach of coaching. We have three different lessons on this, all approaching the subject from a bit different angle. One highlights the coach-player communication, other the coach discipline in coaching and the third is more of tactics. Of course the last one goes beyond psychological aspects of the sport and looks at other tactical coaching methods as well, but it has a psychological side as well.


We also have some minor lessons, as Finnish language, IT - two of which I have just received an excuse -, and the toughest lesson of them all: anatomy. We already had an exam on bones, but it seems that the rough ride is only to come, the muscles and nerves are the part we are looking at now. I will be more than happy when this lesson is finished. Most of the class above us haven't succeeded to finish this course and have to do it again.


I have also joined the local Student Committee to represent Student interest and needs towards the institution. Mostly the Board members are all about where-and-when-throw-the-next-party, so my different views and approach are welcome (at least so far they have been). I am most likely to take over as the "financial manager", let's see how happy they'll be with that in the long run after cutting a few unnecessary expenses. 

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Címkék: jegkorong ice hockey vireumaki

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